Someone Else

"Also, there's something else..." Yangdi met Hao Xuan's gaze who was staring back at him intently.

"W-What?" Hao Xuan asked, wide-eyed.

"There is someone else, in the shadows. Trying to influence things."


Yangdi shook his head, "I don't know. For the past few months, there has been an influx of new powers into Mei. New traders and merchants with no special background are coming in with deep pockets, buying properties, entire towns even."

"Merchants? Why is that so strange? Isn't it in their job description to buy things?" Hao Xuan asked curiously.

"Not like this," Yangdi picked up a thick folder and threw it towards Hao Xuan, "Each one of those pages is a large property located in a strategically important place. Some around military compounds, some around government offices. And all of them were bought in the last year. Normally, it should not have been possible to buy such properties as their sale and purchase is restricted by the government."