
"No...a premonition! I know ...what energy to understand now!"

Xu Qing's frown turned upside down as she let out a breath of relief. She was sitting beside him keeping the bugs away while he slept, and he abruptly jumped up and scared her as well.

She stood up and took out a towel with which she started wiping off his sweat.

"What energy are you going to understand then?" she asked rather blandly.

Hao Xuan grinned, "Space energy!"

She asked curiously, "Why space energies?". That was an odd choice, to say the least.

Hao Xuan grabbed her by the shoulder, "Why not? I could cut, bend, or destroy space itself which would subsequently do the same to anything within that sphere of influence. Not to mention having the power to create rifts and portals at will, allowing one to transport entire armies with a single command. It goes on and on!" he excitedly explained.

Xu Qing didn't have a huge reaction even though she knew what that entailed.