
1 second.

That's how long his soul's exposure to the Chaos lasted, just a minuscule second that would barely ever make a difference in a normal person's life, yet for him, it felt like a hundred lifetimes.

The first thing he saw was emptiness. A space so vast that he knew by instinct that even with a trillion years to explore he would never be able to reach its boundary, if it even had one.

The only things populating this place were mysterious atoms which he was unable to identify. An incalculable number of atoms, all moving faster than the speed of light, in completely random directions but never coming into contact with one another, never colliding.

It was a system of perfect harmony, of order. It was....beautiful!

Time did not exist here, or rather, it never existed nor would it ever. Time was a construct created by the feeble-minded to bring meaning to their limited lifespans.