
The rain never slowed down for even a second that night.

At some point, Hao Xuan just passed out from exhaustion and woke up with a blinding headache. His eyes hurt so bad that he couldn't even look at anything remotely bright.

He tapped the watch once, activating Baracus.

"Baracus, run another scan on me. What's causing this damn headache?"


"Source unidentified. Too many things are changing inside your body so I can't make an accurate assumption."

Hao Xuan sat up and shook his head vigorously but it only made the pain worse.

"An assumption by definition is not accurate. Just give me your best guess."

"If I had to bet, which I wouldn't, then its probably related to the hormonal imbalance. The sudden..."outburst" from last night was probably caused by this as well. You have to be extremely careful, try to stay away from any stressful situations if at all possible."
