
Hao Xuan smirked, "In your damn dreams," and moved towards the river.

"P*ssy..." Jin Wang responded, trying to make Hao Xuan mad and help him out but it didn't really work out. Hao Xuan simply smiled back, "You got me!"

He carefully moved closer to the river, ready to be attacked but nothing happened even when he stood on the very edge.

"Baracus, what other uses would this stuff have? Should I get some for myself?"


"If you can but I wouldn't try too hard. It probably belongs to someone," Baracus's robotics voice poured a bucked of cold water over Hao Xuan's head.

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that this liquid is a rarity in the cultivation world. Even a few liters would be enough to fight wars for, so imagine this much. Do you really think you're the first one to find it? It would have taken thousands of years to create something like this but why is just flowing freely? Why is no one guarding it?"