
"Why were we lucky to find one at this time? Don't they have more than one ship there?"

Jin Wang shook his head, "I mean lucky to find room. Each of these ships is sold out months before it leaves for the journey to the Academy."

"Then how did you get us onboard? Don't tell me you..snuck us on??" Hao Xuan whispered the last few words with a deep frown. Was this why he wanted to be away from everyone to talk?

Jin Wang let out a wry smile, "I wish. You see those four over there?" he pointed at Alte and company in the distance.

Hao Xuan followed his line of sight and nodded, "Yeah. Why?"

"Well, we're kind of their servants at the moment. That's how we got on board. Those 4 are the personal guards of Princess Ceni, the youngest princess of the Edda Kingdom, which is where we came from. I paid everything I had to this guy I met, he is close to that fatty Vasu. He was the one who told Ceni that we were ex-slaves running from our masters."