
"Well, it's kinda complicated you see. I think it should be better if Jin Wang explained it to you himself," Vasu replied while looking at others for help. It was pretty obvious he wanted to change the subject or at least didn't want to be involved in it himself.

Hao Xuan's brows scrunched up in worry, but he didn't linger on it too much. They took him to the mess hall which was just 1 floor up. There were several hundred people already there but it didn't look too crowded.

Hao Xuan ordered every single dish on the menu and within half an hour an entire table was filled to the brim with all kinds of dishes.

Zhurong suddenly appeared out of nowhere along with the food, surprising everyone present, especially the nearby females.

"Omg, he's so cute! Can I cuddle him??" a little girl of about 10 years of age quickly walked over as soon as she saw him but Zhurong didn't even give her the time of the day, making her awkwardly return to her table.