
"103rd...Imperial...Prison?" Hao Xuan repeated the words absentmindedly before looking up at the engraved face once again.

"You are a...God of War...? A real God?" he was truly overwhelmed looking at the alien god.

This was the first time Hao Xuan was seeing a bonafide God, or what one looked like at least. The Fiend God Ensis came from was but an illusion, if even that. And Ryfon's master although a half-god was still part human.

"Are god's really so...powerful?" he couldn't help but murmur.

Ever since coming to this world he had seen the 'gods' symbols every now and then. Their temples, worshippers and even clones, but were they really an omnipotent or omniscient species? The ones that created everything? Was there nothing stronger than them?

While Hao Xuan staring at God of War's face in a daze, Baracus's voice echoed in his head.

"Step away from the gate! QUICK!" he shouted urgently.