They're Coming Continued

The entire area within several kilometers started shaking as the claw was pulled back into the hole it had come out from, but the shaking didn't stop with its disappearance, instead getting stronger by the second.

Hao Xuan jumped out of the severed claw, keeping well away from the putrid blood that was spewing out of it.

He hurriedly bent over the dark pit that was widening by the second and pushed over some of the nearby dead bodies of summoned monsters. Only then did the shaking decrease in magnitude.

He didn't even have time to catch his breath when with the sound of flapping wings sounded above him Dai Zhi appeared.

"Who are you?" he asked while pointing his right sword towards Hao Xuan.

Hao Xuan gave him one look and turned away. He was still covered with blood and mud which made him hard to identify. He summoned the normal mask and covered his face before pretending to take something out of his pocket and threw it towards Dai Zhi.