"My Lord," he gave a conventional light bow. It had no other meaning than to fulfill the formalities between their respective statuses. Others might become angry, but Izak gave no heed and simply smiled amicably in response.
"Sit," he gestured with his chin and a seat appeared on the other side, facing Izak himself.
Bogdan Shen sat down like it was his own home. He looked more relaxed than perhaps even Izak. The only thing to note was that his eyes never left the ground. He was looking down and didn't even look up at Izak when first meeting him.
The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Half of the representatives were frozen stiff while the other half were more or less indifferent.
Adeline was a Great Elder from the Academy. She was seated on the right furthest from Izak and nearest to Shen. She was the Academy's senior representative.