
Dima rubbed the back of his aching head while laying on the ground. His gaze was fixed on the ceiling, recalling the memories of his childhood.

With a heavy-hearted sigh, he continued in a belittling tone, "Like its that easy to impress an Elder God. They have lived for eons, seen things we could never imagine. Their thoughts are completely mysterious to us, how can we mere mortals catch their eye? Even my father has never seen one, or maybe he has but couldn't tell."

The girl turned to the side and looked down at Dima, a smile appearing on her face seeing his 'lost-in-thought' expression.

"Or you could just marry Lady Natalia ad live a happy life. Don't you want to be a 'kept man'? You can do whatever you want while she flies around the universe, killing the 'heathens' in the name of the gods. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you had a few concubines."

Dima's eyes returned to their previous luster and he quickly scoffed.