
"Any big news?" Hao Xuan asked eagerly.

Monk looked at Hao Xuan's face for a couple of seconds in silence. His brow still furrowed.

Right now, Hao Xuan had much shorter hair. Before they went down to his shoulders but now they were barely enough to be combed back.

His pupils still shone with a dim green light in total darkness, undulating incessantly like some sort of unsteady lights.

There were dark circles around his eyes and he looked much thinner than before. The previous feeling of robustness that he gave off naturally had diminished considerably and he looked a lot more 'normal'.

He wasn't overly handsome but he wasn't ugly either. His face was completely symmetrical down to even the facial hair, which when observed for an extended period of time, made the observers enter a strange hypnotic state if their will power wasn't strong enough to look away.