Fairy tales


"No no no please, I don't wanna die!" tears rolled down Hao Xuan's face.

Blood was pouring down his arms and what little strength he had left, he used to push himself forward on the only rope left connecting the two landmasses.

He looked down and saw the endless black chasm and it stared back at him in jubilation.

He could see horrific figures dancing in the darkness, although he wasn't sure if that was his own imagination or delusions caused by blood loss or god forbid, real!

The drop was bigger than anything else he had ever come across in his life but he had also crossed the now broken rope bridge thousands of times before and it had never felt this frightening.

Although the chasm was too deep to ever see its bottom, it had never felt this....alive, before.

He turned around and saw his pursuer looking right at him from the cliff side.