
Hao Xuan fell into a sort of trance.

He was a little afraid. More than a little in fact. The Mind Palace was still blocked and he couldn't use his Qi. He was in so much pain that it had almost become numb. There was a sea of undead creatures in front of him, squirming like maggots trying to get to him.

And between him and them was a single row of mercenaries that had all but given up themselves. He could hear their cries and whimpers as they weakly held up their weapons for god knows what reason.

Some asking for their parents, some asking for forgiveness for some past sin they had committed. Some asking for another chance and some that just wanted it to end.

'I'm afraid. I don't want to go out..'

'Why am I fighting? Is it really worth going back? Is it really worth fighting through all this SHIT? What....is my reason?' Hao Xuan couldn't help but ask himself.

But then something unexpected happened.