


With a sound akin to a breaking mirror, the technique was broken and the seven mind palaces swiftly receded back into his body.

"W-What...!" Zou Huan stared at the kid in front of him with wide eyes, "How...?" he mumbled in a daze while blood trickled down from his eyes.

He was just using the All-Seeing Eye and wasn't able to pick up anyone or anything near him, alive or dead. Yet here this child was, inches away from him.

His Qi was in disarray and he wouldn't be able to properly utilize it again for at least half an hour due to being forced out of it without properly cutting off the connection between the mind palaces first, so Zou Huan gathered the minute amount of Qi that was still under his control and directed it towards the tip of his forefinger, creating a small blade of pure energy.

"Who...are you?" he asked cautiously, in a low voice that sounded like it was aimed at himself rather than anyone else.