
"A lot of people died here, huh..." Hao Xuan muttered coldly, peering towards the glowing blue and purple silhouette that was hiding within the tree trunk.


Baracus activated himself of his own accord without Hao Xuan asking him something first, which was relatively unusual.

"I need to collect more data which will require further clarification from you about things related to this new ability to better understand what is happening to your body and how it could affect you in the future. Please describe how you know that other beings 'died' here? Did the whispers say it explicitly?"

Hao Xuan took a puff from the cigarette, an entire lungful.

"Not explicitly, no. It more of how they said it rather than what. Plus, if what you say is right, whispers are only created when the person goes through something extreme right? Something that makes their emotions flare-up in a sense?"
