
'Let's go!' Hao Xuan said before he took a stride through the doorway and entered first, not realizing that in there only one person could hear your thoughts at a time.

And since no one else could actually see the cracks, to them he seemingly disappeared into the walls of yellow fire that surrounded every side without saying a word. Those that were near him started to panic seeing that but Isak swiftly relayed Hao Xuan's words to the person behind and told him to do the same.

When he felt the rope go taut Isak went through as well, followed by each of the others one at a time. At this time many of them thanked their ancestors for the rope because otherwise, some of them would have surely gotten lost during this crucial last step.

When Hao Xuan appeared on the other side, he finally realized what this new 'sense' that he could now feel so strongly in this place was.

It was time.