
A grand staircase rose into the air, cutting apart the valley side and connecting with the fifty-meter-wide doorless structure that was the very definition of humility.

There were neither sculptures at the entrance nor any emblems or religious imagery left to help identify which divine being it belonged to.

Two tall towers were carved into the rockface that stood guard on either side. It was as unassuming as a peasant's dwelling but staring up at it, Hao Xuan could feel an obscure pressure slowly falling on his shoulders. (Reference image (1) posted in the discord and authors notes)

It wasn't hostile or threatening in nature but he still felt somewhat intimidated by it.

"What is this place?" he inquired before Princess Helena could step on the staircase.

"It was a place of worship and knowledge in olden times. Generations of priestesses spent their lives in there until the calamity fell. Now it is nothing but a doorway."
