
Hao Xuan's body phased in and out of the material realm right in front of Jin Wang's eyes, almost like someone or something was trying to erase his very existence.

And that coupled with his current state of mind left Jin Wang more than a little concerned for his well-being. Hao Xuan looked behind the city in the direction he had entered the city from.

"The skull came from there. I saw it before in the depth, it was watching us but then it woke up. But the fire and the red monsters came from somewhere else. I have to warn them, we need to evacuate the cit-"

Hao Xuan spoke without even taking a breath in between. His eyes were glazed over and blood was starting to trickle down every facial orifice.

Seeing the blood Jin Wang quickly tapped five points on his abdomen and two on the sides of his neck before grabbing him by the shoulder and shaking back and forth while channeling Qi directly into his body.

"Oi, wake up. Wake up! Look at me!"