Better tastes

At first it felt like someone had physically pulled him with a great force but a moment later the force dissipated and Hao Xuan found himself getting lighter and lighter until he opened his eyes and saw that he was floating weightlessly in space.

Hao Xuan had never been in space before but it wasn't hard to imagine what it was like, especially considering he had spent a lot of time in Baracus's virtual environments.

This place was almost identical but somehow felt even more real. It mingled with his senses in such a way that even though he was consciously aware it wasn't real it still felt like it was.

He could breathe like normal but all other movement was as realistic as it could be. The only thing he could do was float helplessly through the empty void. But as surreal as this experience was, Hao Xuan was short on time.

"Where are you?" he called out and felt an invisible force grab ahold of him. It turned him around making him come face to face with a planetary body.