
"Um, well about that... it's both a yes AND a no right now."

"....What does that even mean? Either it's done or it isn't," Hao Xuan's expression turned serious.

Altron back up a few inches until he hit the wall and couldn't back away anymore.

"You see, the thing is we DID have the mats (materials) to outfit all the Orcs but after talking to Arthur and the others we made a few much-needed adjustments to the basic designs the main-unit came up with. And those 'improvements', cause that's what they are rather than simple adjustments, need some ores that are just not found in this world. So you see, it's not that we didn't but couldn't..."

Altron did his best to explain but only made Hao Xuan rub his temples in silence while mulling over the fact they had basically been stuck at the design phase. Altron wasn't wrong though, the changes he came up with warranted another look.

Or rather it was what the Orcs added to it.