
"Who...?" Hao Xuan slowly repeated trying to remember, "I don't know...some men....they said they would give me a job...if I went with them...they said the King was...looking for help..."

Jin Wang could see a reflection of the Hao Xuan knew in his eyes but other than that they were totally different. He didn't know what to even say to him. Try and console him? Or tell him the truth again?

But then he remembered the first thing Hao Xuan had said to him upon seeing him.

"You were expecting me? Do you know who I am?" he asked in hopes that maybe Hao Xuan recognized him like the second version of him.

Hao Xuan nodded lightly, "Aren't you the...angel of death?"

Even though he was asking the question there was no doubt in his voice. He truly believed that Jin Wang was here to take him to the other life.

The rain picked up and turned into a proper shower while Jin Wang was thinking about what to say. And out of nowhere he said "I am" without even realizing it.