Like the rest

It felt like a 6.0 magnitude earthquake that lasted for close to ten seconds before a loud horn sounded from the city. All three of them looked in the direction of the city gates with solemn expressions.

"It already started," Princess Ceni commented first to which Jin Wang agreed.

"I really thought it would take them longer. And it looks like they aren't the only ones..." he looked in another direction following the sound of alarm bells going off within his head.

'Some rats have managed to find the secret vault.'

Ma Jiang got back on her feet, giving an appreciative nod to Princess Ceni before directing her inquisitive gaze towards Jin Wang.

"Shouldn't we help them first?"

Jin Wang closed his eyes for a moment before snapping out of the daze. With a weary sigh he looked towards Ma Jiang.

"I will help them so you two bring back Hao Xuan first."

Ma Jiang's eyes opened wide as she shook her head vigorously.