Separation Field

A torch burning with a green flame was the only source of light in this room. It highlighted every figure with a strange glow, especially the ones that were not human.

Two of the creatures especially stood out even in this moment. One of them was a massive 4-meter tall demonic being with an upper body that was several times larger than the lower.

The second one was a black misshapen being with extremely long disjointed limbs and a face that was covered by a white porcelain mask with two holes where the eyes should be. (Detailed in CH 1031 titled "3/7")

There were a handful of others but they looked more like melted candle figurines than an actual creature, even with the plethora of sharpened claws and fangs protruding from various places.

On the ground were four bodies. Two of them were already dead since they were missing either a head or most of the body parts while the other two were strung up from the ceiling being held in place by the fleshy blobs of skin and meat.