
At the same time Hao Xuan died that world ceased to exist since its only purpose was to torment him by forcing him to live through the lives of some of the most unfortunate souls to have ever walked the mortal planes.

The darkness momentarily recedded to the sidelines as Hao Xuan opened his eyes to a familiar scene.

He was sitting in a small poorly put-together tent that was constantly shaking under the billowing wind.

The smell of motor oil and grease wafted into his nose waking him up.


He groaned while trying to shift positions since even such a small task proved to be a challenge in his current state.

Peering downwards he began to inspect himself in the usual manner starting from the mechanical right hand to the legs. Only his left hand was still his own while all other limbs were replaced by oversized mechinations.

Reaching over his shoulder Hao Xuan lazily tapped on a small metal box before picking up a multitool from behind it.