
It must have understood him to some extent since it roared again right after, splashing the liquid everywhere. And every place and grunt unfortunate enough to be hit by the liquid was instantly dissolved into a puddle of the same thing.

In Hao Xuan's eyes the space around the synapse was beginning to fragment and burn with a red hue. Its bloodthirst was so strong that it was literally dying the surrounding space red just with its psychic power.

And when it reached him, a pressure equivalent to approximately 3 tons fell on top of his shoulders.

If it was before he would not even be able to stand upright let alone move around but now, now it was nothing more than a little inconvenient. He unleashed even more Chaos Qi but to his surprise, it did not lessen the weight from his shoulders even one bit.

Moving around his hand Hao Xuan felt for the changes and found them soon after.