Holder of-

The initial earthquake created by the destruction of the black pearl was strong enough to shake the entire continent and its aftereffects sent tremors for hundreds of miles in all directions long after the deed was done.

Countless eyes turned in its direction. Some that were looking for aid and an escape from the chaos spreading in the inner world took it as a sign from the powers that be that it was meant to lead them to a safe haven.

Unfortunately, it garnered the attention of a great many others with insidious intentions, these namely being the forces led by Dai Zhi.

He was currently standing at the highest point within the treasure pavilion looking in the direction of the mushroom cloud.

It was too far to actually be seen but the disturbance it had caused within the world could not be ignored for a number of reasons.

His unfaltering gaze was fixated on the horizon while his hands hovered over a large bowl filled halfway with blood.