
"I am unsure how it works because it just doesn't make sense. But it is a fact that I was there, I was him and he was me. Maybe those are just his memories but to me they are much more than that. I remember every single dreadful sensation as clear as day."

"I remember waking up every morning in that sweltering heat. My stomach growling and entire body wreathed in pain as I walked through the sand dunes to practice all the various palm techniques day in and day out until I could barely stand."

"I remember eating that watery gruel every day from the masters in exchange for eliminating dangerous beasts near the city. I remember its bland taste and mushy texture like it's still in my mouth. I remember wondering why I had to suffer when others my age were playing around and having fun."

"From the scoring heat beneath my feet when I first woke up to the freezing cold nights when I went to sleep, I remember ALL of it from EVERY lifetime..."