Soul Transference

Hao Xuan glanced over his shoulder towards the kneeling barbarians, "I can do it, I can save them...I have to. Otherwise, what was the point of everything?"


The main body of the nanites which was located near the base of Hao Xuan's head began to pulse with a dim white light while listening to him. A second later the light changed to dark yellow.

[Irrational Thoughts | Failure to be objective | Unexplainable parasocial relationships]

[3/5 Symptoms Detected]

-Minimum Criteria Met

[Initializing Remote Directive: Echo]

[Connecting to Off-Site Backup: Alpha Legion]

-Command Accepted

[Error: Unable to Connect]


[Error: Unable to Connect]



[Initializing Zulu Sequence: Last Hour]

The lights flashed red for an instant before turning off completely. None of these notifications were shown to Hao Xuan so he had no idea that one of Baracus's hidden directives had been activated somehow.