BS to freedom

'But I wonder why am I so sure that he won't attack me first? I can't put it into words but it's like a universal truth.'

Hao Xuan's heartbeats slowed to a crawl and he calmed down significantly. Xue Meng didn't even appear as a threat to him anymore.

[As long as we don't attack him first he won't raise his blade, he can't,] the voice in his head told him. His own voice.

'Then the only problem is this trash,' Hao Xuan thought inwardly while looking towards Tian Zheng.

[Kill him! Rip him limb from limb for what he did to him! Boil him alive and use his skull as your pouring cup!]

A red hue mixed in with Hao Xuan's green pupils like the setting sun. The voice was corrupting him faster than anything else around and he didn't even realize it until now.

'Him? Him who?'