
Hao Xuan's legs gave out for a moment. He had to sit down beside the guard to gather his thoughts. Right now both men looked absolutely defeated.

"Then...is everyone...is anyone still left?"

The guard gave half a nod before pointing to the left, "Just a few. They are hold up in the old ruins east of the city."

His words gave Hao Xuan some hope as he regained some vigor.

"Then why are you here alone?"

"I wasn't. There were more than ten of us. We came out to try and find some rations for the rest of the people but...we were attacked. I only survived because the young man leading us baited most of the demons to the other side with the help of a few others."

Hao Xuan became alert, "What young man?"

"One of you, a boy using a bow. He was gravely injured but...even then he...he had more courage than any of us."