Parting gift

But Hao Xuan didn't really see that as his problem.

"I'm sure someone or something will stop him. There is always one, right? It has nothing to do with me."

"Do you really think so? Even after everything you have found out about yourself and the ones around you, do you honestly believe that you don't have a part in all this?"

Hao Xuan shook his head hesitantly, "It doesn't matter, I'm not going to play their games. Once all of this is done I will leave and never look back."

His response made Ashura of the Six Paths chuckle, "You really underestimate yourself, kid. You're not as apathetic as you think yourself to be, that's one of the reasons why I chose to teach you back then. Even when you were at your lowest you couldn't look away if you saw someone suffering."