Dead as Dead can be

Even with his vague sense of time Hao Xuan knew every second was important.

'I am not as prepared as I should be but there is no choice. I'll have to figure it out as it happens.'

He went around the back of the mountain chain to avoid the few sentries overseeing much of the landscape. With his speed it only took a couple of extra minutes before he reached the intended destination.

The base of the main mountain was all rock and slurry that had been created as a result of the extensive construction taking place at the top.

Hao Xuan covered his nose and mouth while holding his breath even before the automatic warnings kicked in.


[High Levels of Ammonia and Methane Gasses Detected!]

[Unknown Energy Detected!]

He wobbled and almost lost his balance when the full brunt of the nauseating smells hit him like a truck. He had to completely turn off his olfactory sense to be able to still control the other senses.