Push it down

The cavern fell silent.

Hao Xuan was the only one left standing, staring unblinkingly at the pile of ashes that, until just a few seconds ago, was one of the brightest and kindest people that he had ever come across.

He couldn't believe she was gone just like that- No, he didn't want to. Too much had been done, far too much. The whole reason for coming to this planet was for her, to unite her with Ryfon and her real family but now....now Ma Jiang was dead and Ryfon had probably met the same fate along with his sister, her mother.

Everything he had gone through, all the pain and suffering that he had endured was, all of a sudden, for nothing. His thoughts were a mess and he couldn't even hear when Baracus spoke up.


"Skfurhs hFyhsiftn edigjns fhewutrng dhfuentgi byurfgjyikn."

The words didn't make sense, nothing did for a brief moment until he felt the soul bond waver and looked down to see Zhurong's terrible condition. He was barely breathing.