Lord Champion

And then her voice echoed in his head a second later, 'You needn't hold back in here. Let it flow through you.'

From Mendax and the Ape's exchange Hao Xuan had already figured out the ape was also a servant of the 'Mother of Darkness' so the witch's intentions made a lot more sense.

She planned to use Hao Xuan's recently acquired position and title to leverage a deal with an age-old enemy. But he also didn't have much choice in the matter just yet since the ape's services were needed for the last step of her plan.

"Fine," Hao Xuan muttered under his breath and closed his eyes.

He had received the mark quite recently so this would be the first time it would be invoked properly. The mark was located on the highest point of his body, at the very top of his head hidden under the hair.