
'What does it mean by needs to be unlocked?'

The page turned giving Hao Xuan the info, which to his surprise was quite unexpected.

'So it's a stolen ship that can't be used without breaking into its mainframe. Why is there no price?'

"Certain goods and services can be listed for specific items or 'favors'. Buyer must contact the seller for details," it said.

'So they don't want money or gold.'

Moving on Hao Xuan could see a plethora of unique and some not-so-unique listings.

Some of the unique ones that particularly stood out ranged from entire habitable planets to scarce and exotic creatures that even he had never seen or heard about in any of his millions of lifetimes.

But then on the other hand some of the not-so-unique items included people, souls, bloodlines, and entire mortal tribes with specific traits that could be placed on new planets to be bred for war or...any other purposes.