Divine Progeny

Hao Xuan saw it coming and was glad to hear it. Making a deal was the right way to go about this, especially since they both needed each other.

"Name it," he asked and the boy answered without hesitation.

"A different body, one just for myself."


Hao Xuan thought he had misheard so he asked again, "I meant name your price for telling me what happened with that guy."

"And I told you-" he walked over to the bed and sat down, "If you want me to cooperate then I want a body of my own."

After thinking about it for a moment Hao Xuan could not see that actually happening any time soon.

"You understand what it would take to accomplish that, correct?"

"Of course," he replied confidently, "I might appear to be the youngest of us three but I was the first one the Emperor approached, which makes me the oldest. I also know a lot more than you, especially because of my status."