A little richer

"Five silvers?? Have you lost your mind?!" the vendor's eyes almost popped out of their sockets from the shock, "Who would sell such precious minerals for only five silver each? It's 20 for one!"

"B-But it says fi-five on the-" Luz tried to point at the large sign that said '5 silvers= 1 piece' but the vendor quickly smacked his hand away.

"That's for the patrons! Slaves like you need to pay the slave price. Out with the money now!" he grabbed Luz by the collar and started going through his pockets.

A crowd had formed around them of both slaves and residents but no one bothered to speak up. Some were watching with glee, happy that it wasn't them being taken advantage of and for others, it was just a form of entertainment.

The jeering crowd was getting louder than ever, pushing Hao Xuan's clenched fist to tighten even more.

It was a dirty feeling. Tens of people surrounded them but they were more alone than ever.