Waiting patiently...

"T-That's it!?"

Hao Xuan was completely and utterly speechless, especially since Ryuk was even embarrassed of this absurdly powerful ability.

"I know it is not good. I don't even use it..." he added in a weak voice.

Hao Xuan wanted to throw a few swift kicks to his nether regions but realizing the true potential of such an ability, he held it in.

"There is...no need to be ashamed," he continued with a twitching eye, "How does it work? Maybe it could be useful in some other way, you never know right?"

Ryuk recalled the handful of times he had used the ability, "Hmm, it is simple really. I just go up to them and touch their heads with both hands. Obviously they can't feel my touch but it helps if they are not moving around too much. I can see visions of what they were doing when things were not the same. Oh! This one time I came across an old fruit seller with a particularly strong presence!"