Head Covering

At first it didn't look that serious but the closer it got the worse the situation became.

The shape of the entire desert was changing with the arrival of some truly immense creature that was moving just underneath the sand.

"W-WORM!" Che Yun screamed, "IT'S A WORM! A WORM IS COMING!"

He tried to run back to the rock formation to warn Hao Xuan but the worm was a lot closer than he first thought.


A deep guttural cry resonated through the land just as swatches of golden sand buried Che Yun underneath. His tiny helpless body was dragged along for god knows how long before he felt the commotion come to a gradual halt.

Che Yun gathered his strength to dig his way back to the surface where he gasped for air.

"HAH! IT-ITS HERE!" he screamed again while grains of sand lodged between his gums.