Owner of the House

Hao Xuan peeked over his shoulder to make sure she was talking to him, "Come again?"

She was staring unblinkingly at the short letter, holding it in between her frail fingers as if it weighed a ton. There was no one else around so she was definitely speaking to Hao Xuan but it sounded like a rhetorical question, as if she already knew the answer.

"The woman this letter is for. Don't you think she is quite pitiful?"

Hao Xuan sighed inwardly, 'Seems like she is well aware of the situation between the couple. What does she expect me to say?'

"I'm just a slave. What does it matter what I think?" he responded, making her let out a self-deprecating chuckle.

"Then what about everyone else who saw this letter on the way over? Won't they think so? After all, what kind of a woman can't keep her man at home for even a single night? Hasn't she failed as a wife if-" her questions were cut short when she suddenly came to upon seeing Hao Xuan's feet right in front of hers.