Following the Sword

"It turned out that way. I was hired to perform at some party in the upper district in exchange for food and boarding..." he embarrassingly explained, "I know it is not the best time with how things are down here but-"

"Why does that matter?" Hao Xuan slapped him on the back, almost making Liet tip over.

"Just because everyone else is needlessly suffering doesn't mean you have to stick with them in some twisted sense of solidarity. What will that change? Just wait till you get up there, you'll forget this place even exists."

Liet was quite surprised to hear that.

"You have been up there??"

He smiled, "Well, it turned out that way," which Liet reciprocated.

"Touché, my friend."

"But before you go can you answer a few questions about the Umbral Planes?"

Liet's eyes lit up upon the mention of his favorite subject making him immediately plop down all his luggage.

"Of course, ask me anything!"