Thinking highly

The shade somersaulted away without wasting a breath- even though the body he was inhabiting was not flexible enough to pull it off.

Several ligaments in the hunter's shoulder snapped like bowstrings but it made little difference to the shade controlling it. He tried to distance himself but Hao Xuan was not going to let that happen again.

He pulled out a random movement technique from the thousands stored in his memories to catch up with the hunter like a ghost.

"There you are," he whispered into its ears, "Lot thinner than I expected. New diet?"


A swift punch to the abdomen embedded the hunter into the pavement as if he was always a part of it.


He landed two more hits just in case but was surprised to see that all the damage was received by the hunter and none of it had transferred over to the shade, despite it using its powers to protect the hunter's body.