Space Rocks

Hao Xuan waved his hand, "I got inducted just a few weeks ago and then had to leave the sanctum before I could earn anything. But I did get a few gifts from my seniors to help me get started."

As expected the mention of gifts garnered the Longtrouble's complete attention.

"Ohh, you don't say," he grinned while inching closer, "What kind of gifts? Hmm?"

He grabbed onto Hao Xuan's leg and began climbing while his eyes shined with greed, "A super rare weapon perhaps? Or an armor to protect yourself? Or maybe even a-"

"Books. I got some books."

Longtrouble jumped down and began walking away with slumped shoulders, unable to even look at him.

"Good luck. I hope you do well my boy," his bleak voice came over a second later forcing Hao Xuan to expose some of his cards.

"Wa-wait, I can earn gold easily!" he told the goblin with no small amount of hesitation.

Longtrouble paused to glance over his shoulder, "How...?"