Night Market Cont.

'Unfortunately knowing that information does not limit the 'suspect pool' by much since most mark bearers in the city are children of Ancient Clans and other such powers so any one of them could have created the doorway,' Hao Xuan concluded before moving on to the next question.

"Tell me more about this place."

"Ah yes, the crown jewel for all traveling servants!" with a puffed-out chest Longtrouble motioned towards the shabby street with far too much pride.

"Night Markets are miniature worlds created by our masters. They exist parallel to the physical realm so anyone with the right artifact can open a doorway and enter."

'Parallel to the physical realm??'

"Is this place within the Umbral Planes?!"

Longtrouble let out a loud belly laugh, "Hahaha no! Well...a little? It is 'technically' within the Umbral Planes AND the material realm at the same time. It would not be possible for such a place to exist without the help of one of the Old Gods."
