New Treatment

That ribbon was identical to the one her mother had made for the stray that always used to hang around the estate, and this cat was the spitting image of the one that always used to ignore her as a child.

Seeing it again out of nowhere- for a second Lady Yuki thought she was back in the estate on that fateful night surrounded by the roaring flames. She could smell the blood and the embers in the air and hear the groans and crackle of support beams as they fell around her.

But then the cat meowed and pulled her back to the present, breaking the spell.

Lady Yuki clutched her collar while breathing heavily, gasping- fighting for every breath. Her knees buckled pulling her to the ground.

For a few seconds the cat stared at her coldly before eventually jumping down.


She climbed onto her lap and rubbed up against her stomach. Distracted by the sensation Lady Yuki looked down at her only to find the cat staring right back.