A missing piece

They briefly stared at each other in awkward silence before Hao Xuan cleared his throat to explain.


"I do need something...just don't know what it is yet...haha..."

Hao Xuan couldn't see his face, but somehow, he got the feeling that the curator was smiling at him.

"There is a tool for every problem," he responded calmly.

Hao Xuan chuckled, "I would be curious to see what kind of a tool solves an unknown problem."

The curator waved his 'hand' and an object flew over from one of the tables in the back and landed on the counter.

"Thisss will help..."

Hao Xuan picked it up out of curiosity but upon closer examination his brow shot up in astonishment.

"This can't be what I think it is...that's not possible..."

It was an extremely old broken compass with most of the letters and numbers smeared away. The metallic needle moved freely with a single pin holding it down.

The Curator sounded quite satisfied with Hao Xuan's reaction.