As usual, Hao Xuan's first guess pointed towards something of a 'wicked' nature.
'Why would there be a woman all the way out here in the cold, THIS late at night, crying? It has to be a desert spirit or maybe even a demon trying to lure people outside the barrier...wouldn't be the first time.'
Hao Xuan hid his presence but focused his mind, spreading out the golden threads of spiritual sense in all directions and realms as he silently pushed forward.
The Yin Qi slowly began to give way and a rough silhouette could be seen through the fog when he was less than ten meters away.
At five meters he could see its outline perfectly. It was a woman- or rather a girl kneeling over the body of a four-legged beast. In her lap was the artifact he had seen so clearly within the Umbral Plane.
She was wearing a fancy backless black dress which would be out of place anywhere in the city.