
Hao Xuan sighed, "Says who? You can't be friends with someone you just met. You know nothing about me. What if I was someone with bad intentions who wanted to take advantage of you?"

She spun around a few times while mulling it over before confidently stating, "Mmm, nope! I can tell you are not a bad person. A bad person wouldn't save someone without getting something in return."

"That's not even remotely true. What if I did it to get this?" he flaunted the artifact in her face trying to provoke her but she giggled.

"Hehe, you can have that if you want. It's useless anyway."

"Useless??" Hao Xuan's brow slanted upwards.

"Mhm. It doesn't do anything!"

"Do you know what it is?"



"How did you get it?"

"I chose it during my Doljanchi!"
