For sure

"No, we don't want to hear from her again. At least not at this moment. "Jake said, smirking at the others. 

" But of course we will talk to her later. "Miss. Nair reminded them. 

The afternoon went pretty well as there was no other bad news except for the canteen food. They changed it within one night and the cooks looked quite happy too as it is much easier comfortable for them to cook simple Indian food then others. Jake was not happy at all but he had to feed his stomach anyways. 

After a proper meal they were back to the office to find Mr. Dayal sitting on the armchair in the meeting room. 

"Mr.Dayal? " Miss. Nair asked as soon as she saw him. 

"You were to stay in the hospital. Is everything over there? " Samantha asked. 

"Oh.. Yeah they ended everything quickly. And yes I'm here to see the footage. What about that? " Mr. Dayal asked.